Health is Consciousness
Reflexotherapy proves to be effective in relieving symptoms of patients diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and minimizes pain, stress, and improves sleep quality.
There are many theories about how fibromyalgia starts, generating controversy. However, the mechanism of this pathology has been understood with recent studies.
One of the main currents is related to the increase in the neurotransmitter "substance P" in the body. This is a pain-modulating neurotransmitter. Its production is inhibited by the production of another neurotransmitter, serotonin. When serotonin production is low, there is an increase in the rates of “substance P” in the body. Some people are sensitive to this increase in the rates of “substance P”, which without inflammation, end up experiencing the sensation of generalized pain.
A side effect of low serotonin production is poor sleep quality. Serotonin in the pineal gland it is used as a raw material for the production of melatonin that regulates the quality of restful sleep.
The Reflexotherapist, we follow specific protocols, acts directly as stimuli focused on normalizing the production of serotonin, mainly that produced by enterochromaffin cells (Kulchitsky cells) of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulating the hormonal system, with emphasis on the gland's reflex area pineal.
Experience shows that in a few sections, an experienced therapist will help the patient to have their pain alleviated, and in some cases blocked completely. Another effect observed is the improvement in sleep quality.
Schedule an appointment and come and discover the benefits that Reflexology has for the relief of Fibromyalgia symptoms.